Sunday, September 20, 2009

Loving this fall thing...

Isn't it just so deliciously crisp and lovely right now? The beautiful blue sky and the cool nights and the leaves beginning to change and the Lions... well. Anyway. I'm even okay with waking up at night with camping hand -- when you leave the window open at night even though the temperature drops to 40 degrees, and that one hand that sneaks outside the covers slowly freezes until you wake up and have a near-frozen hand. That's camping hand, although it happens more at home than camping, at least for me.

Speaking of deliciously crisp, bought my first Honeycrisps of the year just now! Had one for an after-grocery-shopping snack. Yuuuh-uuummm!

This is what we're eating this week. Happy fall!

Breakfast for dinner!
Blueberry pancakes (or maybe banana-chocolate chip in homage to Alan & Rachel)
Canadian bacon
Orange slices


Black beans

Sandwiches, grilled-cheese style, but with mozzarella, tomato slices, and basil

Boiled baby redskin potatoes
Broccoli, sauteed with garlic


the allmens said...

So....what did you end up doing? We had some chocolate chip pancakes on Saturday - no banana on hand, unfortunately.

Glad to see you are back in the cooking business. I'll point Rachel back to your site so she can gleam some China-friendly ideas.

Karen Allmen said...

We went with the blueberries. Harder to justify ice cream for dessert if you have chocolate chips in your dinner...

Bookmark on Delicious!

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