Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Holidays!

So I haven't posted anything this week...  with the holidays, we've been visiting, we've been lazy, we've been eating whatever's closest (when we're even home) and that usually means COOKIES!!!

So I'm brewing new menus for next week, but just wanted to say a few things:

1.  Yes, this is really real.  We really do eat this stuff.  And if any of it seems hard or complicated, trust me, it's not.  Precision is not a strong suit in this Allmen household.  

2.  I got a new cookbook!  It's The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook, and it's gorgeous.  I sat on the couch this afternoon during the Michigan State game and read THE WHOLE THING...  and it's hard to decide what to make first.  Yay, new cookbooks!

3.  I also got MY VERY OWN BLOWTORCH (for kitchen use, not for welding) for Christmas.  It came with a demand, though:  an invite for creme brulee was necessary.  So now I need to learn to cook creme brulee.  I imagine lots and lots of practice batches to get it "just right."


julie said...

I adore Ina, her cookbooks are my favorites, Parties is the best in my opinion. I don't have one called just cookbook, must be the 1st one. I also have "at home" and "back to basics". Most everything I make now is from her, just wish I had better access to the ingredients she calls for, or better yet... access to her old store!! Can't wait to see what you end up cooking from her.

Karen Allmen said...

It's a 1999 copyright date... but it's mostly geared toward dinner parties, so the recipes all serve, like, 8 people. But I can buck up and eat more than my share, if that's necessary.

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