But we were both really craving it, so we decided to try it for ourselves. It wasn't as fabulous as theirs, but we thought it was a good first effort. And we plan to keep trying -- changing ratios of ingredients, the way we layer them on the sandwich, etc.
So, their sandwich is called Chocolate Town, and it features blue cheese, bacon, and barbecue sauce. I know. It's just fa-a-a-bulous.
Here's our attempt:

We started with baguette, which we toasted a bit.
Then, on the bottom half, we sprinkled blue cheese.
Next came the bacon.
Then some black forest ham.
On the top half, we spread barbecue sauce, then more ham.
Toasted it all a bit, then added sliced tomato and lettuce.
Put it all together, served with coleslaw.
Not bad for a first attempt. I think we'll need to try this 20 or 30 more times, though, to get it just right...
Nice Posting ! i love Chocolates and this is my favorite food. thanks
what is sweet post and colorful recipes.
Delicious . Thanks for sharing
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